Sport for Tomorrow (SFT) is an international exchange and cooperation program based on the commitment of the Japanese government. We aim to realize sustainable society utilizing the power of sport, tackling social challenges in each country. It is also pursued to align with international agendas such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Kazan Action Plan of UNESCO.
As SFT enters into a new phase, we continue the legacy of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and work on further contribution in respect of international exchange and cooperation through sport. We also continue our efforts, strengthening its public private partnership and contribute to the SDGs utilizing Japanese experience through sport.
SFT moves into a new phase - 3 main actions
- Enhancing trust and relationship with partner countries and the organizations
- Activating member organizations through SFT Consortium (SFTC)
- Promoting more people engage in activities for the international exchange and cooperation
Sport for Tomorrow Consortium
SFT operates SFT Consortium (SFTC) to promote its activities effectively, which consists of “Steering Committee” and “Consortium Members”.
The “Steering Committee” is led by the government-related organizations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan Sports Agency while the “Consortium Members” consists of domestic organizations such as sport related organizations, non-profit organizations, universities, local governments and private sectors.
In the new phase of SFTC, we are pleased to welcome the organizations which are implementing or planning activities or support for international exchange and cooperation in sports will be “Regular member“, and the organizations which are interested in international exchange and cooperation in sports will be “associate member”. We expect to activate our consortium with participation of diverse organizations.
Furthermore, SFTC operates its certification system and awards ceremony for the good practice in order for the activities to be recognized both domestically and internationally.

SFT Consortium’s New Programs & Services
SFTC supports its consortium members with variety of services.

Sport and SDGs
Sport is an effective tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals. SFT implements each activity aligning this international agenda.

Japan Sport Council (JSC) and Swiss Academy for Development (SA4D)
has jointly published a guidebook on using sport to achieve SDGs.

Kazan Action Plan
The Kazan Action Plan is a set of recommendations adopted at the 6th UNESCO International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI), which outlined three main policy areas and five actions frameworks.