The 3rd NCDA Webinar for Coach Developers
14 May 2020
The 3rd NCDA Webinar for Coach Developers
Nippon Sport Science University Coach Developer Academy (NCDA) hold “NCDA Webinar for Coach Developer” on a periodic basis.
Our Alumni and the other experts will provide their expertise on the webinar.
Theme: Supporting coaches where little IT resources are available
Our 3rd NCDA webinar is “Supporting coaches where little IT resources are available”
We can say that our discussions on coach development are mainly led by coach developers in developed countries. Also researches on coach development have been conducted mostly in North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and a part of South America.
However, the truth is that all the countries are willing to have a quality coaching. It is vital to help and cooperate each other for all the athletes around world to receive quality coaching and have a foundation to live better life through sports. In this situation of COVID-19 global pandemic, we are thinking that the communication with others has got much difficult where little IT resources are available.
In this 3rd webinar, we think it is a time for us to focus our thoughts on the scene beyond IT wall, with Pelle Kvalsund (mainly in Zambia and Southern African countries) and Chris Nunn (mainly in Oceanian island nations), who have been working for coach development and athlete development in developing countries, and Glenn Cundari, an international coach developer.
* We will update speakrs’ profile on
When: Thursday, 21 May 2020
Eastern US/Canada 8:00, UK 13:00, Zambia 14:00, Singapore 20:00, Tokyo 21:00, Canberra 22:00 (Duration: 60 min.)
Masamitsu Ito, Nippon Sport Science University, Deputy Director of NCDA
Participation in the Webinar is free but mandatory, with a limited number of registrations.
Please contact to if you have any questions
NSSU Coach Developer Academy Office