A-GOAL Project 2020-2021

A-GOAL Project 2020-20211
A-GOAL Project 2020-20212
A-GOAL Project 2020-20213
A-GOAL Project 2020-20214
A-GOAL Project 2020-20215
A-GOAL Project 2020-20216

The A-GOAL project is an initiative in which Japanese and African people work together to solve social issues in a regional sports club as the hub. The club is run by local residents in Africa. In May 2020, we started the activity at the request of Kenyan soccer leaders, stating that even if the people are not infected with COVID-19, many people may die from hunger due to unemployment. The relationship between Japan and Africa, at first appeared to be “supporters” and “support recipients,” which has transformed into “partners” to solve social issues together through the activities of A-GOAL.

We thought that we could deliver support to people with disabilities, orphans, and single mothers who are in need by using a local sports club to engage in community contribution activities on a regular basis. With donations collected mainly from Japan, we have started emergency support activities to deliver food and sanitary products. We also support small business projects such as poultry farming which was proposed by sports club members so that the community can have an active role and continuously find solutions to improve in their community. There is also an idea in Malawi to start a restaurant with the use of locally grown vegetables. While it is difficult to travel to the site due to COVID-19 restrictions, more than 30 project members and African officials are using online tools to proceed with the project.

Related Sites:
A-GOAl Project Website
A-GOAL Project Facebook
A-GOAL Project Twitter
A-GOAL Project Instagram
A-GOAL Project YouTube

Newspaper Article:
朝日新聞「サッカークラブを通じてアフリカ支援 発起人は日本人」(2020.6.15)

See below for the Japanese version.

A-GOALプロジェクト 2020-2021

Feedback from Local Contacts :

Kadiri Galgalo, A-GOAL local coordinator in Kenya, Ex-top league football player, Head of Mainstream Sports Academy:
We would like to thank the companies and individuals who donated to the A-GOAL project. We would also like to thank the volunteers for their tireless efforts to provide groceries and sanitary products to vulnerable families and communities.

Village Chief in Malawi:
I thought it would be impossible to grow vegetables on the unused wasteland but the participants proved that many vegetables can be grown on the land creating the communal farm the community feeds off of.

Time Period
From 16th May, 2020 to 31st March, 2021
Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi
Sport/Programme Category
Soccer, Basketball, Athletics, Volleyball
A-GOAL Project
Recipient Organisation
Local regional sports clubs that operate in different countries(21 clubs)
Africa Qeust
Freewill Inc.
with JOY K.K.
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
10,599 people
(Kenya 7,144 people, Nigeria 1,422 people, Malawi 2,033 people)