The 5th JTU Triathlon and Paratriathlon Forum

The 5th JTU Triathlon and Paratriathlon Forum1
The 5th JTU Triathlon and Paratriathlon Forum2

We held the “International Triathlon Medical Symposium” and reported on the competitions in Japan and the United States.
The keynote speech “Triathlon Fatalities: the USA Triathlon Experience” was given by inviting Dr. Lawrence Creswell, a cardiac surgeon at the Mississippi Medical Center, a medical doctor of the US Triathlon Union. The presentation focused on the research results of the “USAT Medical Review Panel,” which examined the fatal accidents that USAT experienced from 2003 to 2011.

At the symposium, we compared Japan and the United States and discussed countermeasures. In particular, the causes and countermeasures of accidents during competition, which have been increasing in recent years, and cases and countermeasures of accidents in the United States were discussed.

See below for the Japanese version.

第5回 JTUトライアスロン・パラトライアスロン フォーラム

Time Period
6th and 7th Feb., 2016
Tokyo, Japan
Sport/Programme Category
Japan Triathlon Union
Recipient Organisation
International Triathlon Union (ITU)
Asian Triathlon Confederation (ASTC)
USA Triathlon
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
150 people