Donation of Baseball Balls to Boys Around the World

Donation of Baseball Balls to Boys Around the World1
Donation of Baseball Balls to Boys Around the World2
Donation of Baseball Balls to Boys Around the World3
Donation of Baseball Balls to Boys Around the World4

People cannot play baseball without the ball. Soccer is so popular in South America that very few countries sell baseball. We are working with the desire to have as many children as possible play baseball. It is also difficult to buy one baseball ball overseas. The practice ball is also tattered and the risk of injury is high. We donated used baseball balls to children around the world so that they can play baseball in a fun and safe way. We want people to practice and become good at becoming professional baseball players in Japan.

See below for the Japanese version.


Feedback from Local Contacts :

You cannot buy hardballs in South America. Even if I order it on the Internet, it does not reach me. So I have to go to a country where I can buy it myself, but I can't buy many. I'm glad you donated so much.

Time Period
28th to 31st Jul., 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Sport/Programme Category
Athletes For Fans
Recipient Organisation
Youth baseball teams from Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Singapore
International Boys Nankyu Baseball Association Japan
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
500 people