【Mongolia】Introducing Exercises in the Frigid Winter Mongolia by JICA Volunteer

【Mongolia】Introducing Exercises in the Frigid Winter Mongolia by JICA Volunteer1
【Mongolia】Introducing Exercises in the Frigid Winter Mongolia by JICA Volunteer2
【Mongolia】Introducing Exercises in the Frigid Winter Mongolia by JICA Volunteer3

“Training to protect children’s health” was held for one year in collaboration with volunteers from other countries. We divided the themes into four themes, “nutrition,” “prevention,” “physical education,” and “health,” and held seminars and campaign activities for local educators.

In physical education, we introduced physical exercises that can be done indoors in the extremely cold winters when the temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The seminar for physical education teachers and elementary school teachers working at school introduced a physical education exercise that “does not require tools or is available locally” and “can be done indoors”. We rented the gymnasium of the school as a venue, and introduced some game-like exercises performed by the team to suit the Mongolians who like to interact and love the game, and had them learn while actually moving.

See below for the Japanese version.


Feedback from Organizer :

Locals are well aware that Mongolia has long winters and people tend to be under-exercised. The seminar was held because some people strongly felt the need for exercise that could be done indoors

Time Period
13th Oct., 2016
Sainshand City, Dornogovi Province, Mongolia
Sport/Programme Category
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Member: Saki Hattori (Primary school education)
Recipient Organisation
Primary schools in Sainshand City
Peace corps
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
Approx. 15 people