Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees

Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees1
Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees2
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Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees4
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Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees6
Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees7
Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees8
Beginners-level Martial Arts Class for JICA Trainees9

In collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), our students ran a martial arts training course for foreign trainees.
We had foreign trainees staying in JICA Tokyo experience martial arts, which is an ancient Japanese physical activity, through interaction with students majoring in martial arts.

It is held every year to experience Japanese culture that is different from everyday life. The content of the course is kendo experience for beginners, fitting experience (Judo, Kendo, Karate), presentations on martial arts by students majoring in martial arts, and various martial arts performances (Judo, Karate, Kendo, Shorinji Kempo, Archery, and Iaido).
Many foreign trainees were able to learn about the Japanese culture of martial arts and deepen their understanding and interest in martial arts.

See below for the Japanese version.


Feedback from Participant :

We received questions from foreign trainees who participated in the seminar, such as "Doesn't it hurt?", "Why did you start?", "Which style?"
Students answered accurately with what they had learned and their experiences. The foreign trainees who participated in the seminar said, "I'm glad I came to see you today." "I was a little scared, but it was a good performance."

Time Period
10th Jun., 2016
Tokyo, Japan
Sport/Programme Category
Martial Arts
International Budo University
Recipient Organisation
JICA trainees at Tokyo International Center
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
70 people