Jumonji International Youth Football Festival in 2016

Jumonji International Youth Football Festival in 20161
Jumonji International Youth Football Festival in 20162
Jumonji International Youth Football Festival in 20163
Jumonji International Youth Football Festival in 20164

Australian high school football teams (men and women) regularly visit Japan once every four years to play exchange games with various teams.

With the opening of a new football ground at Jumonji Gakuen Women’s University, we held a football festival in collaboration with Kiyose City, Tokyo, inviting high school students from Australia.
We held a round-robin league match for men and women in three days. The men’s team invited FC Tokyo U-18, Omiya Ardija Youth, Seibudai High School, and the women’s team invited AS Elfen Saitama Mari U-18, Tokyo Tresen Women’s U-17, and Jumonji High School.
The planning, preparation, and management of the tournament were handled by university students at Jumonji Gakuen Women’s University. The tournament was designed to be an opportunity for high school students to exchange and contribute internationally.
The winners were Seibudai High School (boys) and AS Elfen Saitama Mari U-18 (girls).

See below for the Japanese version.


Feedback from Organizer :

Heavy snow fell three days before the tournament, and the artificial turf pitch was covered with snow. While it was uncertain whether the tournament could be held, all the staff worked hard to shovel the snow. I cannot thank the members and staff of Seibudai High School enough to come and work together to help shovel the snow. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the successful holding of the tournament.

Time Period
20th to 23rd Jan., 2016
Kiyose City, Tokyo and Niiza City, Saitama, Japan
Sport/Programme Category
Jumonji Gakuen Women's University
Recipient Organisation
Australian high school selection team (Men and Women)
Tokyo Football Association
Number of Individual Beneficiaries
1,000 people